Unreliable Contractor! Forget!

Unreliable Contractor! Forget!

Our experience and long-lasting cooperation with our Partners in the field of debt collecting confirm the rule of thumb: “Trust and Check”! „Trust and Check” – also your Client!

The sales and good relationship with the Recipient of our goods or services is important. However, one must bear in mind, that respect towards business Partner, and Client – towards us and our business – is also proven by the way in which they are meeting their liabilities towards our company. Sometimes, we tend to forget that by believing and trusting in the good faith of our Contractor – a recipient, we are exposed to his, not always good, intentions. Therefore, we must be aware that the systematic verification and monitoring process of the existing Contractors are equally important as sales targets in any company.

Efficient sales – what does it mean?

Experienced businessmen are aware that the process of securing the receivables begins already before the transaction! The sale is not a feat (issuing an invoice and reaching the target from a table). The real feat is to execute sales for which we get paid within the agreed time limit. To sum up: the process of sales is concluded after a timely payment for an invoice – only then we can declare that it has been a full success!

3 long months and 3 days

From the observation of the market of small and medium size enterprises, and the patterns of payments for invoices we draw a conclusion that, unfortunately, there is still the tendency that liabilities are over 3 months late. According to the research carried out in 4th quarter of 2016 for KRD BIG S.A. and KPF, Polish entrepreneurs had to wait as long as 3 months and 3 days to receive payment for their invoices. The result has worsened in comparison to 3rd quarter, for which the result was 2 days and 25 days.

It must be noted that the smallest enterprises are always the ones most affected by the decline in the market. It causes payment clogs and additional costs due to irregular payments. Everyone must be aware that the sales with a postponed due date e.g. 30 days, and payment by the Client late by 3 months result in 4 months with no remuneration for our work, efforts and goods. 4 months of free support of somebody else’s business at the cost of one’s own needs and development. Simply: “A LOSS”.

Solution: a reliable risk analysis

Dogmat Systemy S.A. helps with an assessment, preparation, and implementation of processes aiming at the security of receivables prior to their existence. This concerns, in particular, companies within the micro and small enterprises sector. When you make use of our solutions, you do not need to worry:

  • How to carry on?
  • Why do I have to take a loan to pay salaries to my staff?
  • What do other entrepreneurs do that they manage to avoid payment clogs?

With our support, you will be able to focus on your business targets and stop thinking about dishonest and unreliable contractors.

Kinga Janus

Sales and Marketing Director

Dogmat Systemy S.A.

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Copyrights ©2021: DOGMAT Systemy Services Sp. z o.o. | Project by GateOpen

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Przygotowaliśmy dla Ciebie Kalkulator Przedsiębiorcy. Dzięki niemu szybko sprawdzisz, czy tracisz firmowe pieniądze i jak możesz to zmienić.

Akceptuję regulamin. Przeczytaj.

Zgoda na kontakt mailowy Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie drogą elektroniczną na wskazany przeze mnie e-mail informacji handlowej w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 roku o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną od Dogmat Systemy sp. z o.o. odbieranych na telekomunikacyjnych urządzeniach końcowych w szczególności takich jak telefon, komputer, tablet lub smartfon. Udzielona w tym miejscu zgoda może być przeze mnie odwołana w każdej chwili.
Zgoda na przetwarzanie danych Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w rozumieniu prawa ochrony danych osobowych oraz ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 roku Prawo telekomunikacyjne we wskazanych wyżej celach marketingowych przez Dogmat Systemy sp. z o.o. i oświadczam, iż podanie przeze mnie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne oraz iż zostałem poinformowany o prawie żądania dostępu do moich danych osobowych, ich zmiany oraz usunięcia.
Zgoda na kontakt telefoniczny Wyrażam zgodę na wykorzystywanie przez Dogmat Systemy sp. z o.o. telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych, w tym telefonów, komputerów, tabletów lub smartfonów, dla celów marketingu bezpośredniego przedstawionego w komunikacji głosowej na podany przeze mnie numer. Udzielona w tym miejscu zgoda może być przeze mnie odwołana w każdej chwili.

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